09 May 2009

Korealist 2009: 20

There is no number 20 on Korealist 2009, but there should have been.

So here's the honorary 20: Conquer Duryunsan.

Last year, I traveled to Jeollanamdo and visited a temple called Daeheungsa, located on Duryunsan. story here. I wanted to climb the mountain, but the monk with whom
I was speaking told me not to go, since it would soon be sundown and he didn't want me to get hurt. However, I rather obstinately (and I suppose in character) told him that I would go quickly and return unharmed.

It was late afternoon when I left the temple and hit the trail to Duryun Peak, and sometimes it was a little difficult to see the trail with the little light that filtered through the dense trees. However, I did manage to reach the ridgeline.

the ridgeline where I had to turn back

That was as far as I got. I knew I had to go back down, still 330 metres short of my goal. Even then, it was a little dangerous going down in the twilight.

Last weekend, over one year later, I conquered my peak. And then some. In the company of friends -- Daeyong, Elli and Sharon -- we started up the trail a little after noon, giving us plenty of time for our trek. This time the ridgeline yielded much more to see; instead of a bluish haze, we could see the South Sea, dotted with islands. Unfortunately, no glimpse of Jeju-do.

the ridgeline...again

After we reached Duryun Peak (630 metres), we went back to the ridgeline, and decided that we had enough energy to climb Garyeon Peak (703 metres).

weird pose...but I'm there!

I hate starting things and not finishing them. Now I have closure.

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